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Below you can see the distance and time need to come to Lida Apartments from Athens and Kalamata Airport. You can also use the map pointing at our apartments for your own convenience. Finally, can see the distances from the location of your preference or use your current location to Lida Apartments.

Distance From Athens – Kalamata Airport

Athens246 km ~2:30 hours
Kalamata Airport20 km~20 minutes

Access to Kalamata

Visit Kalamata from Lida apartments


The first bus to Mantineia starts at 6.50 in the morning and itineraries will operate from 7.30 to 22.30 per hour.

The first route from Mikri Mantinia will start at 7.10 and then the itineraries will operate from 8.00 to 22.00 per hour.

Bus schedules are subject to change according to season. Please call bus ticket agency of Kalamata on 2721 023377 to ask for hours of operation at the season you are interested in.


The Distance is about 9 km and the time needed is 15 minutes.


Taxi service is well organized in our region, just refer to us if you need a taxi hire and we will provide a telephone number to call a taxi at your location.